Peloponnisos Doc Festival

Creative Documentary Center
The film is available for a certain number of online screenings during the festival.
    • Buona Sera

    Buona Sera

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    This film is not available for online screening at the moment.
    • Buona Sera

    Buona Sera

    • Buona Sera

    Buona Sera

    • Buona Sera

    Buona Sera

Directors:Juste Michailinaite Country:Lithuania Duration: 20'

Buona Sera

The film tells the story of a troupe of travelling performers in southern Europe who go by the playful name of ‘Circo Soluna’. Their houses are brightly coloured horse-drawn wagons that have neither the usual household amenities of modern life, nor an internet connection. Even their ‘kitchen’ is a small pony-drawn wagon that holds their main unbreakable utensils and food, brought to them mostly by local townspeople. It would seem that a utopian freedom prevails here – but as each new day begins, obligations and responsibilities begin with it.

  • Writers: Justė Michailinaitė
  • Producers: Justė Michailinaitė, Kestutis Drazdauskas
  • Cinematographer / DOP: Juste Michailinaite
  • Editor: Ieva Veiveryte
  • Sound: Iveta Miseviciute


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