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    38 μέρες

    Tribute: Kalamata ShortDocs
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    38 μέρες

    Tribute: Kalamata ShortDocs

    38 μέρες

    Tribute: Kalamata ShortDocs

    38 μέρες

    Tribute: Kalamata ShortDocs
Directors:Spyros Vlachakis Country:Cyprus Year: 2022 Duration: 28'

38 days

"38 days" is a drama documentary recreating real-life painful experiences through the eyes of Philippos, a prisoner of war. The stories are facts told by life eyewitnesses in a diary/interview context. Philippos describes his own ordeal as a 17-year-old soldier who fought a war, was a prisoner of war, and a refugee of war. The feelings of angst and pain in captivity were the reason Philippos became a passionate renowned sculptor. Historians confirm the truth behind this never been told before story.

  • Writers: Silia Ioannidou
  • Producers: Kika Hadjikoumi
  • Cinematographer / DOP: SPYROS VLACHAKIS
  • Editor: VASO SIDERI


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