María Lobo, Roi Guitián

María Lobo, Roi Guitián

María Lobo and Roi Guitián have worked in media for 17 years. Together, they have been part of the technical and directing team in documentary feature films, such as “Yindabad” (2007), a documentary awarded at three international film festivals that narrates the struggle of the Adivasi tribes against the construction of a dam in India, and “Within the Circle”(2012), a story about mental health told by the protagonists of an audiovisual project of social inclusion. Both, combine their journalistic and audiovisual work with different projects in the field of non-formal education through communication & participation, from which webdocs such as “FaiRua” (2015) and “Round Trip Volunteering” (2018) were created. As freelance, they have also worked for TV and independent production companies. Their last film together, the first together as co-directors, is “Indebted to All Women” (2019), a documentary created for political and social advocacy in El Salvador within the framework of an international cooperation project.


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